Work at Apple. Capture the Reward.

We are an investment advisory firm that has worked with Apple employees for over 20 years. We put your life goals, expectations, and interests first.

Our Experience

Experience and understanding working with Apple employees.

We’ve worked with Apple employees for more than 20 years and know the challenges with figuring out your stock purchasing plan, RSU’s, retirement, and more. We’re a hard working, tight-knit team that genuinely cares about your experience and diligently works for your long-term financial success.

Growing with Apple means your wealth has the opportunity to grow as well. Whether you invest it, sell it, or hold it, we’ll help you determine the right choice for your unique circumstances.


Knowing your tax circumstances is critical prior to selling stock. There are many strategies to consider when selling AAPL, all of which we can provide counsel on. Reach out to us for help.


The process of RSU vesting is quite straight forward but can be hard to understand. This may sound contradictory but we can help your future vests and educate you on the plan.


Providing recommendations for our client’s entire financial lives is what we do best. From funding college to reinvesting for retirement, we provide customized direction for each unique circumstance.


Maybe. We have successfully transitioned dozens of Apple alumni into retirement, or something else altogether. Our specialty comes in clearly modeling what leaving might look like.

Your Finances

We can help manage all moving parts of your finances with Apple.

Stage in life: Close to Retirement

Stage at Apple: 15+ Years

The above depicts a possible prioritization of financial decisions and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. You should always speak with a financial professional about your unique financial circumstances and needs before making any investment in securities.

Each client’s investment objectives and situations vary, and no two clients may experience the same performance results or other outcomes as the other.

Why we do it
  • We understand what you’re working toward.

    In exchange for working at one of the biggest tech companies in the world, you give up your time and a lot of your personal life. You believe in your work, and that’s why you give it your all. But a sacrifice of that scale needs a pay off.

  • Hiking Balance

    We know you deserve a better balance.

    Get outside for a hike. Read instead of checking work emails. Spend more quality time with your parents. When every moving part of your finances is handled by Mariner, it’s easier to live a balanced life and give equal attention to what matters.

  • We want you to make the most of your time at Apple.

    While the high stakes, fast-paced work environment will lead to some of your most rewarding work, your future plans may look different. Take advantage of every opportunity you’re given for as long as you stay with Apple.

What we offer

Why Mariner?

Our reputation is built on our transparent and diligent character, which we never compromise. That’s because we view our business with a deeper sense of purpose. With years of experience in Apple finances, we manage, advise, and execute on your goals so we can help you live in true abundance.

  1. Step-By-Step Investment Process

    This is where we’ll demonstrate our intimate knowledge of Apple and the unique challenges you face, including vital information on restricted stock or RSU grants, vesting periods, and Fidelity 401k matching. We’ll help you navigate your ESPP, Deferred Comp Plan, and SDA so you can maximize your relationship with Apple.

  2. Complex Strategies Made Simple

    There are many moving parts to your finances. We make it easy to understand. We evaluate your assets in relation to one another, give you an in-depth understanding of your Apple stock and the market, and establish and execute on your financial objectives. This frees you up to focus on more important things—like work, family, and your well-being.

  3. Stable, Measured Approach

    We target moderate, consistent returns to help you grow reasonably while maintaining what you have. Our approach to finances is defense first. While recognizing that all investing involves the risk of loss, through cash-flow driven asset allocation and our unique investment scoring methodology, our goal is to help ensure you will be financially safe no matter what happens.

  4. Detail-Driven and Proactive

    We are empirically driven and meticulous. For every moving part of your finances, we build comprehensive, detailed spreadsheets, data plans, financial strategies and more that you can access at any point. With precision and diligence, we help you plan for a broad spectrum of outcomes, positive and negative, to ensure your financial success.

Next Steps

What’s next?

Get answers to all of your questions. Visit our resources page by clicking here.

5 Ways for Apple Employees to Avoid Owing Big on Tax

Take proactive steps to help reduce tax exposure from earned compensation. Download our comp strategies guide to help minimize year-end taxes.

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10b5-1 Plan: What It Is and Why You Should Consider Having One

Apple stock can trade in a wide range throughout a calendar year. There are occasions when AAPL increases or decreases in value quickly. Selling AAPL after it has risen substantially is the goal for many Apple employees. However, if an employee is subject to blackout, they can miss out on an opportunity to sell AAPL….

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Why Apple Employees May Want to Consider Maxing out Their ESPP Contributions Each Year

One of the largest benefits Apple provides employees is the ability to purchase stock through the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). Unfortunately, most employees do not maximize this benefit to its fullest potential. Over the course of this article, we will describe why we believe this benefit is lucrative, why you should consider contributing and…

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